Stay COM: C++ and encapsulation

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In the previous post, we discussed using WIL to tame COM APIs. At the end, we had translated a Time Trigger sample from the Task Scheduler API from a very C-like structure into something approaching modern C++. Still, that example has dense code blocks with large banner comments trying to explain what is going on, e.g.:

    //  ------------------------------------------------------
    //  Get the trigger collection to insert the time trigger.
    wil::com_ptr<ITriggerCollection> pTriggerCollection;
    THROW_IF_FAILED_MSG(pTask->get_Triggers(pTriggerCollection.put()), "Cannot get trigger collection");

    //  Add the time trigger to the task.
    wil::com_ptr<ITrigger> pTrigger;
    THROW_IF_FAILED_MSG(pTriggerCollection->Create(TASK_TRIGGER_TIME, pTrigger.put()), "Cannot create trigger");

    auto pTimeTrigger = pTrigger.query<ITimeTrigger>();
    THROW_IF_FAILED_MSG(pTimeTrigger->put_Id(_bstr_t(L"Trigger1")), "Cannot put trigger ID");
    THROW_IF_FAILED_MSG(pTimeTrigger->put_EndBoundary(_bstr_t(L"2015-05-02T08:00:00")), "Cannot put end boundary on trigger");

I don’t want to get too far into a debate about self-documenting code. But clearly, this code is less clear than it could be because of all the details in your face. The comments are intending to help visually break up the sections into smaller subsections that you can reason about — procedures, if you will!

Now of course, a sample program should not attempt to abstract away all the details. When you are reading a sample, you usually do care about the steps you have to perform to get the job done. Hiding those steps would actually be counterproductive for the intended audience, those who are there to learn and understand the API and its specifics. However, that is an altogether different goal than we would have as consumers of this API in a larger system. All useful software has dependencies. But we do not need to make those dependencies front and center in our design.

Let’s do an exercise in procedural decomposition to help clarify the workflow we have in our sample. Recall that we ended up with this general structure:

void run()
    // . . . do everything in here!

int main()
    printf("\n Success! Task successfully registered. ");

So we have managed to decompose the problem space into two steps, run and finish. We can probably do better than that. Let’s extract every smaller step into its own free function to see that where that leads:

Our new program is 186 lines, slightly longer than before, but the code in the core main/run flow looks like this:

void run()
    auto cleanup = init_com();
    auto pService = connect_task_service();
    auto pRootFolder = get_root_folder(*pService);
    auto pTask = create_task(*pService);
    set_author(*pTask, L"Author Name");
    set_logon_type(*pTask, TASK_LOGON_INTERACTIVE_TOKEN);
    set_settings(*pTask, true, std::chrono::minutes(5));
    add_time_trigger(*pTask, L"Trigger1", make_date_time(2005y / 1 / 1, 12h + 5min), make_date_time(2015y / 5 / 2, 8h));
    add_exec_action(*pTask, get_executable_path());
    save(*pTask, L"Time Trigger Test Task", *pRootFolder);

int main()
    std::cout << "Success! Task successfully registered.\n";

For procedural style you can’t do much better. The code is clear and concise, and the details mostly out of view. We could stop here but we are missing one key reason to favor C++ over C — encapsulation! The fact that nearly all of these functions require a special first parameter to “do” the action means that we have a class somewhere deep down that wants to sprout. Recall that a class method in pretty much every OO language has a this or self parameter (almost always) hidden inside. Let’s do one final pass and make some classes:

We paid a premium in code lines to add these classes (our sample is 224 lines now), but we gained some domain modeling clarity:

void run()
    auto cleanup = init_com();
    auto service = TaskService::connect();
    auto folder = service.get_root_folder();
    auto task = service.create_task();
    task.set_author(L"Author Name");
    task.set_settings(true, std::chrono::minutes(5));
    task.add_time_trigger(L"Trigger1", make_date_time(2005y / 1 / 1, 12h + 5min), make_date_time(2015y / 5 / 2, 8h));
    task.add_exec_action(get_executable_path());, L"Time Trigger Test Task");

This is a great start! But all of our code is in main and we have largely ignored the fact that nothing here is tested, or testable, for that matter. Don’t worry, we’ll surely revisit this and fix it.

One thought on “Stay COM: C++ and encapsulation

  1. Pingback: Stay COM: stubs and testing – WriteAsync .NET

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